If you’re attempting to lose weight, you’ve heard that eating a good diet and exercising frequently are essential factors in achieving your goal. Furthermore, research suggests that keeping a healthy weight is critical to your overall health because it lowers the risk of cardiovascular disease, hypertension, stroke, and diabetes. Furthermore, it can help lessen your chance of acquiring a variety of cancers.

However, reducing weight isn’t always simple, especially if you suffer from emotional eating or if family and friends don’t back up your efforts. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), more than 70% of U.S. adults are overweight or obese, and 17% are on a diet.

Whether your weight-loss attempts have been fruitless or not, you may wonder if there is anything else you can do. Gelesis developed Plenity, an FDA-approved weight reduction gadget, to assist patients in losing weight.

What Is Plenity Weight Loss Pill?

Plenity is not a novel concept. Plenty, formerly known as Attiva (and Gelesis 100), was the subject of a clinical investigation in 2010. As mentioned in the opening paragraph, the FDA has authorized Plenity to aid with weight management.

Plenity is a new FDA-approved medical gadget that claims to help you lose weight by making you feel full before meals. It’s taken as a pill and has the potential to treat nearly 40% of Americans who are overweight.

How Does Plenity Work?

The Plenity capsule includes cellulose (plant material) and citric acid, which form a hydrogen matrix when released in the stomach. Plenity (3 tablets) is taken before lunch and supper with food and drink. By absorbing water and combining it with the meal, the matrix swells.

Consequently, people feel a sense of fullness, which helps them eat less food. Plenity’s material is not absorbed and goes through the digestive tract.

Effectiveness of Plenity Weight Loss Pill

The largest clinical trial that supported the use of Plenity included 436 obese or overweight individuals who took Plenity or a placebo tablet (a fake pill) for 24 weeks alongside diet and exercise.

Individuals who took Plenity throughout this clinical study lost 6% of their body weight, compared to 4% of those who received a placebo tablet.

On average, this equates to a weight loss of roughly 10kg. Furthermore, 1 in 4 people treated with Plenity lost 10% of their body weight (about 13.6kg) (Plenity, ND).

Possible Side Effect

During a clinical trial, the following were the most frequently reported adverse effects of Plenity:

  • Fullness
  • Bloating
  • Flatulence
  • Abdominal pain

Who Should Buy Plenity for Weight Loss?

Plenity is a beautiful alternative for people who are overweight or obese (with BMIs between 20 and 35), according to Dr. Chiquette, and maybe the best option for those who do not qualify for other prescription weight reduction medications (individuals with a BMI between 30 and 40 or those who are 15 to 25 pounds over their ideal weight).

If you’re considering using a weight-loss strategy, such as medication or surgery, consult your doctor about the best alternatives for your health history. They can walk you through the many options on the market and explain the potential adverse effects of each one.

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Final Words From AzDrug

Plenity has fewer adverse effects than many prescription weight-loss medicines, making it a tempting alternative. Plenity reduced body weight by 2% more than dieting alone in a clinical trial. Users should consult their doctors before using this medicine since it contains potentially harmful substances, including citric acid and titanium dioxide.

However, Saxenda offers hope to obese people and others with weight-related health conditions. Saxenda can help you lose weight, but it has adverse effects and costs. However, its health and life-quality advantages should be addressed. Users must realize that Saxenda is a supplement to a good diet and frequent exercise. The efficacy and Safety of Saxenda depend on proper use, attention to adverse responses, and open contact with healthcare practitioners.

While Plenity and Saxenda may help manage weight, Plenity’s clinical studies have focused on people with excessive blood sugar. Future studies should show Plenity’s effectiveness in average blood sugar patients to expand its use. You should assess the pros and cons of these drugs and use them with a comprehensive approach to health that includes lifestyle changes.

Disclaimer: Please see your healthcare practitioner for any medical queries or concerns. Peer-reviewed research and information from medical societies and government agencies are used to support the articles in Health Guide. They are not, however, a replacement for expert medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

  • Elliott, W. and Chan, J., 2019. Hydrogel Capsules (Plenity). Internal Medicine Alert, 41(10). Available at https://search.proquest.com/openview/f3215f6c2a1805127599c0aaddda41af/1?pq-origsite=gscholar&cbl=136155 Accessed on 7/02/2023
  • Kumar, R.B. and Aronne, L.J., 2015. Pharmacologic treatment of obesity. Available at https://europepmc.org/article/nbk/nbk279038 Accessed on 7/02/2023
  • Pass A, Bialonczyk D, Chiquette E, Goldman JD. Oral Superabsorbent Hydrogel (Plenity) for Weight Management. Annals of Pharmacotherapy. 2021;55(9):1146-1152. doi:10.1177/1060028020983046 Accessed on 6/02/2023
  • Greenway FL, Aronne LJ, Raben A, Astrup A, Apovian CM, Hill JO, Kaplan LM, Fujioka K, Matejkova E, Svacina S, Luzi L, Gnessi L, Navas-Carretero S, Alfredo Martinez J, Still CD, Sannino A, Saponaro C, Demitri C, Urban LE, Leider H, Chiquette E, Ron ES, Zohar Y, Heshmati HM. A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study of Gelesis100: A Novel Nonsystemic Oral Hydrogel for Weight Loss. Obesity (Silver Spring). 2019 Feb;27(2):205-216. doi: 10.1002/oby.22347. Epub 2018 Nov 13. Erratum in: Obesity (Silver Spring). 2019 Apr;27(4):679. Erratum in: Obesity (Silver Spring). 2019 Jul;27(7):1210. PMID: 30421844; PMCID: PMC6587502. https://doi.org/10.1002%2Foby.22347 Accessed on 6/02/2023

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