Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are a common health concern among women. The dynamics of female anatomy make them more susceptible to these infections. This is due to the short and petite urethra providing a convenient pathway for bacteria to infiltrate the bladder and urethra. Left untreated, UTIs can escalate, and bacteria may ascend to the kidneys, resulting in a serious condition known as pyelonephritis. Recognizing the symptoms, such as the unmistakable burning sensation during urination and increased frequency of urination, is crucial for timely intervention and effective treatment.

One treatment option is cephalexin, an antibiotic from the Cephalosporin drug class. Marketed under the brand name Keflex, Cephalexin plays a pivotal role in combating various infections, including UTIs, ear infections, upper respiratory infections, and bone infections. However, it’s essential to understand that antibiotics, including cephalexin, are not one-size-fits-all. Indiscriminate use can lead to antibiotic resistance, making these medications ineffective. This blog delves into the intricacies of UTIs and their symptoms. It sheds light on the responsible use of cephalexin as an antibiotic, emphasizing the importance of seeking professional medical advice for a tailored treatment approach.

Before Taking Cephalexin for Uti

Inform your doctor about your medical history when your doctor prescribes you cephalexin. Also, make sure to keep the medicine away from children and pets. Inform the doctor if you are:

  • Allergic to cephalexin or any other antibiotics
  • Facing gastrointestinal issues
  • Facing liver issues

How To Take Cephalexin for Uti?

Cephalexin dosage may differ as per your medical history and weight. Here are some quick tips that you need to keep in mind before taking cephalexin:

  • Take medicine every 6-12 hours.
  • If you consume a liquid form of the drug, shake well before use.
  • Use a proper measuring tool provided in the package.
  • Avoid using kitchen spoons.

Dosage For Treatment Of Urinary Tract Infections

Dosage For Adults: 15-64 years

  • Take 250mg every 6 hours or
  • Take 500mg every 12 hours

Dosage For Child: 1-14 years

Depending on your weight, 25-50 mg can be prescribed. How the medication affects infants younger than 1 year has not been studied. The administration of such medicines to infants is therefore not recommended.

Dosage For Senior Citizen: 65+ years

The digestion of this medicine. The kidneys may be affected. Your doctor should prescribe a dose that you can easily consume. The level of drugs in the system needs to be monitored closely for senior citizens.

Your doctor may prescribe a higher dose if your infection is severe in all the above cases.

How Long Does Cephalexin Take To Work On UTIs?

During treatment with cephalexin, the patient can consume it for up to 14 days. It is an effective drug that works on UTIs within an hour. Overall, improvements in the infection can be seen in a day or two. Time may vary according to your condition’s severity. If it’s severe, it could take longer to feel better.

Is Cephalexin Good for UTIs?

Cephalexin is a renowned medication for treating Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs). It has been one of the most prescribed and frequently used drugs in the U.S.A.

Ehealthme.com conducted a clinical study using data from the FDA. The reports of 22,314 people who were suffering from UTIs were collected. In this research, only 4.94% of the people have not recovered from UTIs after consuming cephalexin. Side effects were seen in women who were above 60 years of age. This means that in most cases among women, cephalexin is effective in treating UTIs.

What If Cephalexin Doesn’t Work for UTIs?

As seen in the data above, cephalexin may not work for you. This may be because bacteria are resistant to cephalexin. In this case, your infection may worsen. You must complete your prescribed medication at specific doses and times. You should not stop the treatment course abruptly. If there has been no improvement in your UTIs, you should continue to observe symptoms like frequent urination, pain, or a burning sensation in your body. You will need to consult your doctor immediately to change the medication.

Cephalexin Possible Side Effects

There are standard and severe side effects that may affect your health if you consume cephalexin for urinary tract infections.

Expected effects that can be seen are as follows:

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Stomach ache
  • Itching sensation in the vagina
  • DiarrheaDiarrhoea

Severe effects that can be seen are as follows:

  • Severe stomach ache
  • Breathlessness
  • Severe headache
  • Jaundice
  • Weakness

Important Considerations For Taking Cephalexin

Important factors that you should keep in mind are as follows:

  • General- You can have cephalexin with or without food at your convenience.
  • Storage- Store Cephalexin capsules within 15 to 30-degree degrees celsius-celsius
  • Refills- Cephalexin can be refilled. You do not need a prescription to refill this medication.
  • Travel- Here are some tips on traveling with cephalexin:
    • Carry your medication with you. (if you are flying, keep it in your check-in bag)
    • No need to worry about screening at the airport
    • Do carry your prescription if you are flying, and it’s essential to show it at the check-in.
    • Please do not leave it in your car or any hot or cold areas.

Are There Any Alternatives To Cephalexin?

Cephalexin is a commonly used medication for treating UTIs at most times. If all cephalexin is not working for you, you can consider any of the following alternatives:

Final Words From AzDrug

As a result, while cephalexin, or Keflex, is an effective treatment for urinary tract infections (UTIs), it’s essential to use it responsibly and follow your healthcare provider’s recommendations. Completing the full course of treatment is not just a suggestion but a crucial step in thoroughly eliminating the infection. Remember, incorporating healthy habits into your routine, such as staying hydrated and maintaining proper hygiene, can play a pivotal role in preventing future UTIs. Your health journey is a collaboration – if you encounter any concerns or experience adverse reactions, contact your healthcare provider for personalized guidance. Working hand-in-hand with your doctor and taking proactive measures pave the way for effective UTI management. Here’s to your health and well-being, thriving beyond UTIs!

Disclaimer: Please see your healthcare practitioner for any medical queries or concerns. Peer-reviewed research and information from medical societies and government agencies are used to support the articles in Health Guide. They are not, however, a replacement for expert medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

  • “A Critical Review of Cephalexin and Cefadroxil for the Treatment of Acute Uncomplicated Lower Urinary Tract Infection in the Era of ‘Bad Bugs, Few Drugs.’” International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents, vol. 56, no. 4, Oct. 2020, p. 106085, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijantimicag.2020.106085. Accessed 3 Dec. 2023.
  • Medline Plus. “Cephalexin: MedlinePlus Drug Information.” Medlineplus.gov, Nov. 2019, https://medlineplus.gov/druginfo/meds/a682733.html. Accessed 4 Dec. 2023.
  • Nilsson, Lars Bertil. “Treatment of Chronic Urinary Tract Infections with Cephalexin (Ceporexine) Orally Administered at 12-Hourly Intervals.” Chemotherapy, vol. 22, no. 5, 1976, pp. 331–34, https://doi.org/10.1159/000221941. Accessed 1 Dec. 2023.
  • Sourander, L., and H. Saarimaa. “Effect of Long-Term Treatment of Urinary Tract Infection with a Single Dose in the Evening.” Chemotherapy, vol. 21, no. 1, 1975, pp. 52–55, https://doi.org/10.1159/000221844. Accessed 1 Dec. 2023.
  • Yetsko, Aidan, et al. “Two Times versus Four Times Daily Cephalexin Dosing for the Treatment of Uncomplicated Urinary Tract Infections in Females.” Open Forum Infectious Diseases, vol. 10, no. 9, Oxford University Press, Aug. 2023, https://doi.org/10.1093/ofid/ofad430. Accessed 2 Dec. 2023.

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